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Garage repair shops face high financial risks simply because of the nature of the business. A specialty insurance policy can protect your garage repair shop from potentially devastating financial losses.


和标准的商业保险政策一样有用, they aren’t always adequate for the specific risks that a garage repair shop faces. What sets your business from others primarily is that you work on and store your customers’ vehicles. 这暴露了你的车库维修店的许多风险因素, but having the right policy in place can protect your business.


在最简单的层面上, you need to be protected against damage to customer vehicles stored on your premises, 是否来自火, 破坏公物, 盗窃, 或者其他危险. You might only be doing a couple of hundred dollars worth of work on a car, 但如果你不得不花几万元来更换它, 其影响可能会削弱你的业务.


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你的修理店可能容易受到许多风险的影响, 比如身体伤害索赔, 财产损失, 人身伤害, 和更多的. 例如, if a customer accidentally trips and falls while on the premises of your repair shop, you can become exposed to a potential lawsuit and held financially responsible for any 受伤 that result from the accident.


Commercial general liability insurance is an absolute necessity for every repair shop. This type of protection provides broad coverage for premises, 操作, 完成运营及广告, 人身伤害. It will also pay to defend any covered lawsuit or action regardless of its merit. Coverage can be purchased as a separate policy and can be tailored to your specific needs.


当油箱爆炸引起无法控制的火灾时, your commercial property and everything within it can suffer a significant loss. This can have a detrimental effect on your repair shop business.


Commercial property insurance can help protect the property your business owns or leases, 包括设备, 库存, 家具, 及设施. 无论你是拥有自己的办公大楼还是租用自己的办公空间, commercial property insurance can be purchased separately or can be combined with other necessary coverage to protect your business’ physical assets.


The nature of your business means you’re responsible for valuable cars, 卡车, 以及其他汽车. 作为一个修理店的老板, you’re trusted to safeguard vehicles belonging to others. This responsibility brings with it potential liability of being held financially responsible for 财产损失 caused to these vehicles while in your care, 监护权, 和控制.


你应该购买实物损失险, 称为车库管理员覆盖, designed to help you protect your customers’ property and your business in the event that accidents, 受伤, 或者发生财产损失. This protection covers the costs that arise from unfortunate and unforeseeable events, 做工还不错, 错误的部分, 或保证.


You’re constantly moving your tools from one area of your repair shop to another, exposing your business to potential loss due to damage or 盗窃. And without your specialized tools and equipment, your repair job may come to a screeching halt.


You can purchase special equipment insurance designed to protect your tools and equipment on the move. 保险单将赔偿设备的各种损失, 包括火灾, 爆炸, 破坏公物, 盗窃, 与其他设备或物体碰撞, 和颠覆.


If one of your employees receives an injury or becomes ill due to a work-related occurrence, you are required by law to have the proper coverage in place.


Workers' compensation protects your employees should a job-related injury or sickness occur during the course of employment. 这是法律要求的,可能因地区而异, so be sure that you understand your obligations for all physical locations where your business operates in and all physical locations where you hire your employees.


作为一个修理店的老板, you have many exposures associated with your business vehicles–owned or leased. 带着车队, 卡车, 货车, 或在经营过程中使用的其他类型的车辆, a single accident can potentially put your business in financial jeopardy.


Business auto insurance provides coverage for vehicles owned or leased by a repair shop and provides coverage for bodily injury, 财产损失, 还有其他暴露, and could include comprehensive and collision coverage as well.


Losses and lawsuits are quite common in the repair shop business, and settlements can be substantial. If your business is found to be responsible for damage or injury, you could be facing a large liability loss that exceeds the basic limits of your standard policy.


You should consider purchasing a commercial umbrella insurance policy which provides higher limits, 一般在2美元之间,000,000元及10元,000,000, 而且经常扩大覆盖范围. 承保范围扩大到各种保单, 包括一般责任保险, 商务汽车, 以及董事和高级职员责任保险.


You should also consider professional liability coverage that protects you against claims for damage to a car caused by mistakes and/or omissions by your staff. 在极端情况下, this could include not just the cost of fixing the flawed repairs, but also costs that arise from a crash that’s blamed on the faulty repair.


记住也要为失去的收入寻找保险. 如果你有火, it’s not much use having an insurer pay all the costs of rebuilding the workshop if you lose all your customers in the meantime and your cash flow is irretrievably damaged.


车库维修店保险 - Mechanics Changing Oil in the Car


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